AMPLIFiChurch is a merging of two congregational ideals:
The AMP Initiative and iChurch 4 Life.
The AMP Initiative is an Apostolic Ministry Planting methodology that applies the 5-Fold, Supernatural, First-Century characteristics of church planting and church growth to a new dispensation of digital, micro and house church congregations and their Kingdom-Minded leaders.
iChurch 4 Life is the all digital platform that provides ministry training, resources, coaching, licensing and Ministry Association for those digital, micro and house church congregations and their leaders.
All Digital, Micro and House Churches are the future of the Christian Fellowship - but the future is now! Digital Media, Social Media and Digital Technologies are now crucial aspects of church marketing, outreach, discipleship and evangelism if we're going to reach this generation of the unchurched, church-hurt and post-pandemic MIA church!
Pastors! It's time to AMPLIFY our efforts and no longer focus on having a church but, BEING the Church together!
Pastors of all walks of life - male and female - who are: